Saturday, July 5, 2008


So clocks are another thing I love, all different shapes and sizes, but I am picky about a "good looking face" know, the style of the numbers and hands...this was a clock I took apart and made for a friend's son, he loves baseball, for that matter they all love baseball, the clock came with the baseball face, I just added stickers, wood cutouts, and the pictures and BELIEVE rub was fun and I went out and bought two more clocks, different from this and I still haven't made them up yet...looking for some inspiration I guess, but I need to work on that...a scrappin up project for fun...


Kerri said...

And I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Kerri said...

And I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Wilson Family said...

I love that clock!!! That would look really cute in Parkers room... Maybe you could help me make one for his room? Love you! You are soooo talented!