Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is one of my favorite ME sayings...love her work, and love the truth of this saying. I am working these days on not worrying, and no doubt God giggles at my feeble attempts at it...but most days I do well with His help...life is too short to spend it carrying negative energy...when I used to work at the spa, we would talk about this truth...and I found that relaxing environment very uplifting despite the stresses that came with the job...when we were going through a really hard 5 years in the 90's, I hung on to stress far more then I should, and I feel like it robbed me of health, my body has suffered for that...so I vow to do better, and keep as upbeat as I can...with ME (Mary Engelbreit) to pick up my spirits....have a strong day....

1 comment:

Wanda said...

two post in one day...wow,
just wanted to say hello....