Thursday, January 8, 2009


OK...we just had an earthquake, a 4.5 in San times...hoping it isn't a preshock to a bigger one...I just hate those things....wishing I could protect all the loved ones I have, in the event of large one, but I can't do that, I can only pray we are all at home in bed and ride it out safely...then I can worry about my boys who would have to go out and help in the event of a large that is another new challenge about the craziness these things can bring on...ok, it's over, and I think I am going to bed....happy hopping to me if anything else preveils tonight...wish me luck. Yipes!!!!


Wanda said...

we didn't feel anything. was it really bad?

Erica said...

Hello. I just wanted to thank you for your kind words on my blog. It really meant a lot. I am so sorry to hear about your niece. Feel free to show her our site. I haven't met too many people who know how it is to lose a child. I believe in exactly what you said. I had a conversation with my mother last night because she has been hard on us as well (not in a mean way, she just hates seeing us sad) I think I finally got through to her that what she says at times is hurtful. Thanks again for your comment! It meant a lot.