Sunday, January 4, 2009


So, I love beginnings...that means something new is happening...a new year, a new book, a new study, a new day, a new life, a new job (wish I could find one) a new class, a new interest, a new friend, a new understanding, a new get my drift right? Well, I thought I was going to BEGIN my new year with a clean house, and office...but no, already my 2009 is not going right...I have been sick since last Wednesday, and not up to cleaning, and then my beloved gutted the kid's bathroom, tub, toilet, sink, cabinet, faucet, light, floor, all of it and started to rebuild was a joy going to Home Depot and Lowes to find all the new stuff, while I was blowing my stuffed up nose and hacking my head glad I didn't see anyone I knew, as makeup was out of the question...and sneeze, oh my, I had to cross my legs I sneezed so much....well, my beloved is not quite finished, but I am feeling a ton better and ready to tackle the cleaning in the next few days...I did even start the office, but it's a long way from being cleaned....oh for the day....then hopefully next weekend, beloved will finish the flooring and put the toilet back on and the sink and we will be doubt this will mean we will sell it, since every house I have lived in has always had to be sold when we finally finished everything....however, I do want to paint out the kitchen cabinets and redo the counters for the second time...but probably not anytime soon....I need a job first...besides, I am taking two classes this semester and start in a month, so I have to get "organ"ized by then...I think I can, I think I can....I hope I can....wish me luck....well, enough....I am looking forward to BEGINNING my cleaning tomorrow....right after the car goes into the dealer for will post clean pics when we finish.....

1 comment:

Wanda said...

yeah, i would love to have everything clean and organized all at the same time too!!! but the LARGE question....where to start!!! at the begining....where is that???!!! sorry to hear you are sick. i got a head cold in texas and have been doing the same as you!!! hope your christmas was good. we had a great time in texas!!! can't wait to see those pictures!!!! ha-ha