Bob didn't think the plants we have would do well from seedlings...he thought we'd need to buy the established plants to have them do well....
Negatory....as you can see, we clearly have crazy all over the place plants...it has been so much fun for us to see it grow...
We had put this raised bed system on a timed drip system...plant and walk away, everything is on automatic pilot...we just harvest the fruit of it....
...amazing how fast it changes, how quickly the plants became overgrown...I am reminded that the process is so much like...
.... Our walk with the Lord...someone planted a seed of the hope we have in Christ, and then time and time again, the water of knowledge makes the seed open up and begin it's growth process..
.. one day God brings that little seedling to the surface of the dirt, and eventually it clears the dirt surface, stronger and green and growing towards the light of the sun (Son)......sometimes we aren't aware, like the silent growth of a garden that something is happening....we can't see it happening..but it continues it's growth...clearing the dirt of the sin of our past, never completely free from the dust of it's dirt bed, yet no longer surrounded by what it broke free from...
....situations come up (in our case, squirrels all 14 of them that we had to relocate) and just as we protected our plants, God works circumstances out around us that we aren't even aware of, loving us, creating a safe environment for our growth...we need to be mindful of His graciousness, protecting and working things out that might thwart our growth when we are not even aware of it...
...then there is cause for pruning, like suckers on a tomato plant that would grown into nothing useful yet sap the water from the good part of the plant...we too have those times when life would sap our energy and divert us from recognizing the good in our life...pinching those suckers off quickly and while small, benefits the plant...Lord, guard the goodness of my life by pinching the suckers of discontentment, selfishness, anger, hurtfulness, slander, an unloving attitude, or discouragement towards those you have walk through my life...
...quietly the plant grows, and flowers of the fruit appear...how lovely they are...I am reminded that these are the times I have been mindful of being loving and kind, and an encouragement to those around me...sharing what He has provided to me, with others...living a life that pleases Him...
...the fruit of the flower appears, vunerable and at it's best potential for harm...birds, ants, heat, broken stems...cracks, burns, bites....we must let the Master Gardener search ... and find that which He will, and remove or repair those elements as only He knows how....guarding our hearts, soothing our souls, and healing our brokenness....creating an environment that allows us to flourish in His care...subjecting ourself to His sovereign will....relinquishing control, trusting His ability to protect that which He has created...for His purpose.
...and one day, the fruit is ready for harvest...one day He will bring us to that place of perfection, and glory in His storehouse...
I find myself in all aspects of the growth process....at times fighting for control, rejecting His desire for me, thinking I have a better way, refusing the cultivating He would like to do in me...impatient, feeling like He just is not very quick about things...
...Lord, help me allow you to be the Master Gardener in my life, every minute of every day...aware of your tending to my needs, the touch of your hand, the weeding of that which would harm me...give me peace that you see every flower and the fruit of the labor...help me be mindful of opportune moments to love and share with those you bring into my life....may I be willing to be pruned for your glory...thank you for loving me, when I am unloving....thank you Lord for the wonder of silent growth.....

1 comment:
great post!! thanks for the insight..
loving the fruits of your labor!! the vegys you shared with us are wonderful. tomotoes are stewed and waiting to be made into spagetti sauce...in a day or two...thanks again for sharing with us....fruit and insight..love ya
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