...our media maker, our major communication tool, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week to week, month to month, year to year, decade to decade, century to century....but we rarely think about the gift we hold when we use it....for good, for bad,
for encouragement, for discouragement,
for building up, for tearing down,
for expressing emotion, for suppressing emotion,
for stating love, for escaping love,
to bring joy to a heart, to give heartache to a soul,
to make clear, or to confuse,
to sing a song, to destroy a rhythm,
to invite a friend in, to create distance from a friend,
to write a book, to give criticism of a book,
to cheer another on, to comfort in defeat,
to apologize, or to offend,
to share good news, to gossip bad news...
and the list goes on and on...everyday, all day, we use our words to help, or hurt...
sometimes, even when we feel like we are trying to help, we are misunderstood, sometimes when we are trying to express something important, words just don't seem to fit together in the right order,
they don't come out right...
once out, we can never take them back,
once spoken they are non-redeemable,
for some once said you will never forget them, words can be remembered for a lifetime...
the scariest verses in the Bible for me are Matthew 12:36-37, I heard them years ago, and I too am guilty of not always using my words rightly, so I must remind myself..."every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgment, for by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned"...forgive me Lord, for words I have not used carefully, I know there are many... may I always filter the gift of words in my day, as though they were being spoken to You, give me discernment that You and You alone would be my purpose for speaking them, that like You, I can learn how to use them to love those you would bring into my life.
I think I will go use those stickers now...time to create with a clean heart....it's been two months since I have completed a scrap project....gotta get back into it. Enough words said, have a nice day!!! By the way, don't try to "read between the lines"...it's just blank there...wonder if whoever came up with that saying was blind....
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