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Well, I am back to school on Monday night...hitting the Medical Terminology course...taking it with my two friends, and looking forward to the visit too...I told them, it's not about the grade, it's about what I learn...I am way beyond caring about the grade, I am just pleased as punch about remembering enough to pass!!! So off I friend kids me that I don't have a backpack...I told her I'd need a chiropractor appt. every Tuesday morning if I carried one at my age...balancing them in front of me in my arms works just great...wish me luck!!
Ok, so if you haven't checked out some of the funny kids on You Tube, you just have to check out YouTubeEvilEye and YouTubeBlood...these kids are a crack up!!! Make sure you watch the originals, not the ones that other people took and made evil red eyes on...just click on the ones with the most views...I just adore that Evil Eye kid, he can't be more then about 9-10 months or so..but he is a scream...and it's obvious he loves laughing more then the ice cream!!! My kind of guy!! And then big brother looking out for the little brother in Blood is so cute..."NOT FUNNY" (you'll see) and it's a kick to see him really get into the sound of the word "BLOOD"...what a hoot!!! OK, enjoy!!!! Let me know what you think, and how hard you laughed....
So we celebrated his 22nd birthday...he's such a great guy...and our lives are blessed because he is in it!!! That was my thoughts yesterday all day when I baked him cupcakes, and bought him a gift...and had dinner with him last night...we are blessed and look forward to the years ahead that God will grant us with him. Praying always that he will pursue the things that God wants him to do, and not the things that would please just himself. That he will know the love of his Lord and Savior, chose to serve Him all the days of his life. I love you son, and thank you for being the person you are. Now if I could just tweak you a little bit!!! Stay strong, stay committed to doing what is right before God. Hugs!!
So I am drawing and drawing, and trying to complete these plans...we keep making changes to them and it is a tedious process, but I really want them to fly through the building department the first time...I hate revisions!!! So we keep at it, and hopefully we will get it right soon...maybe today, if luck is on my could be worse, they could be opening a chain of them!!! Yikes!! I would be out of here!!! Well, time to go...draw!!
So I am in the midst of drawing plans for this little building...and old place built in the 1950's and it's about to be transformed into a coffeehouse...this will be an amazing feat, to say the least...impossible? No, it's doable, with a bit of luck and and some hard work...but how nice that my clients see potential in this little old gas station...I will keep you posted as the improvements begin....wish them luck.
Don't you love before and afters...this was a room did a few years ago, and it's amazing what a little paint, carpet, and $150 will do to a was fun and a great success...I love going in and reworking a place with whatever is on hand. Pull from this room or's fun...and so easy. Now if I could just do this so easily with my before and after weight loss...wishful wears me out just thinking about it....thanks for looking...
Ya know, exercise really sucks...I just finished a 45 min. workout on the total gym and while it does give me energy, it isn't this, work that. It would be easier if I had a workout buddy to talk to...or music to listen too...but the kid was in the next room sleeping....I am too nice....oh well, maybe it will get easier as the days go by...we will see.
And far away at that....time for a little rejuvenation after all that pressure of school....a yummy hot bubble bath...then off to sleep.....awhhhhh! sounds absolutely serenditious!!! Good Night....
Hallelujah, I finished my summer class at the college, and so glad it's done...had my final exam tonight, think I got an A in the class...had all A's on my was great to exercise my brain a I will start a Medical Terminology class in two weeks....that will be fun...better spruce up on my anatomy till then...I love going with a friend, it's fun. and you can help each other....then in the spring I am thinking I will take a Coding class...that would be fun too....praying for a good instructor...enjoyed this one a lot, well onward, upward.....busy busy.
This is one of my favorite ME her work, and love the truth of this saying. I am working these days on not worrying, and no doubt God giggles at my feeble attempts at it...but most days I do well with His is too short to spend it carrying negative energy...when I used to work at the spa, we would talk about this truth...and I found that relaxing environment very uplifting despite the stresses that came with the job...when we were going through a really hard 5 years in the 90's, I hung on to stress far more then I should, and I feel like it robbed me of health, my body has suffered for I vow to do better, and keep as upbeat as I can...with ME (Mary Engelbreit) to pick up my spirits....have a strong day....
The post below was written after I felt conviction about something I said to my darling wasn't meant to offend or hurt, but on my drive home yesterday I realized I might have done just
that, and I felt bad...She is so sweet, and I know she loves the Lord so much, and she like all of us, is in process, growing as she learns more of His love for her...she has been blessed many times in recent months, and has blessed many too. I just wanted to say publicly, I am so proud of her, and I love her so much, and know God has a wonderful future planned for her...stay strong my little girl, and reach for His hand when the going gets're my best girl!!! HugsXOXO
I love old typewriters keys, I have stickers I use in my scrap booking that look just like's funny to think that someone just drew lines and with a dot here, and a curve there a letter was born...then someone started looking at the letters and deciding how they sounded, and how they came together to form a word...then when words were born they gave them definition, just a someone, somewhere (not sure Webster was totally responsible)...creating something very useful for us and yet we take it for granted everyday...
...our media maker, our major communication tool, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week to week, month to month, year to year, decade to decade, century to century....but we rarely think about the gift we hold when we use it....for good, for bad,
for encouragement, for discouragement,
for building up, for tearing down,
for expressing emotion, for suppressing emotion,
for stating love, for escaping love,
to bring joy to a heart, to give heartache to a soul,
to make clear, or to confuse,
to sing a song, to destroy a rhythm,
to invite a friend in, to create distance from a friend,
to write a book, to give criticism of a book,
to cheer another on, to comfort in defeat,
to apologize, or to offend,
to share good news, to gossip bad news...
and the list goes on and on...everyday, all day, we use our words to help, or hurt...
sometimes, even when we feel like we are trying to help, we are misunderstood, sometimes when we are trying to express something important, words just don't seem to fit together in the right order,
they don't come out right...
once out, we can never take them back,
once spoken they are non-redeemable,
for some once said you will never forget them, words can be remembered for a lifetime...
the scariest verses in the Bible for me are Matthew 12:36-37, I heard them years ago, and I too am guilty of not always using my words rightly, so I must remind myself..."every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgment, for by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned"...forgive me Lord, for words I have not used carefully, I know there are many... may I always filter the gift of words in my day, as though they were being spoken to You, give me discernment that You and You alone would be my purpose for speaking them, that like You, I can learn how to use them to love those you would bring into my life.
I think I will go use those stickers now...time to create with a clean's been two months since I have completed a scrap project....gotta get back into it. Enough words said, have a nice day!!! By the way, don't try to "read between the lines"'s just blank there...wonder if whoever came up with that saying was blind....

Couldn't resist sharing this darling picture of the grandpups.
Aren't they the cutest darn things? I just wish I could read their minds, wonder what they are thinking...
So I am in my last week of summer school...don't know where the last six weeks went, but I am glad I am finishing up...I have to turn in my forms binder, and then do my final exam on Thursday...wish me luck...I have signed up to do a Medical Terminology class this fall...starts the 24th of August, and I just realized I will miss a day while I am in Mammoth...oops...I hated missing school when I was growing up, I just loved being a house of six people, being anywhere but home was great...that's probably why I loved church all day, church all weekend, and in the summer in the pool all day...only ate and slept in the house, it was great!!! Fun times, how I wish could go back...visit one of the days of my which one would I pick to visit???? Have to think on that one...