Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I am so excited...tomorrow is pedicure day, and I need one...even though I go every 4-5 weeks (yes, mine last that long and never chip!) I tend to go without shoes way too much and although the polish stays perfect it reeks havoc on my soles....sorry Merlina!! So I go soak, and she fixes me up and of course, the best part is the massage at the end...can't wait...love my pedi days....hope you are having one soon too!!!


Wanda said...

i'm thinking i just might go get one of those "P" word thingys. walking around here with all this constructions and dust is hard on my bare feet too!! plus, i'm thinking i might like to have some pretty toes since i am wearing sandles now. maybe another day....

Devon said...

sounds fab!! me = jealous! :)