I look back on the last post...it was so heartfelt, and so true...but I am here to say for now, I have Jonah almost every week since his birth....through the weeks past, we have somehow managed to find opportunity to see him, and Josh and Jenna have been very generous to share their time with us...I can only hope that it continues...I do feel blessed, at least they aren't 3 states away like my sister's grandkids...so I am reminded, to count my blessings, and rejoice in what I do have, not what I don't....interesting enough, I listened to a an account of the story of Jonah yesterday on my way to church, of all the stories to hear something new about...it spoke to my heart, convicting my soul, giving insight I never expected....I will share it one day...for now I hold it in my heart, ponder it and turn it over and over, see it from every angle....what truth He gave me.....