Last week when I helped created a table centerpiece, which was a rusty old watering can, and some cupcake sunflower favors, for a tea my sister invited me to, she said something about being so talented....she makes beautiful quilts and she's telling me I am talented....funny....having heard this remark often in my lifetime, I have pondered it again and again....and I told her, and believe this to be true..."Talent is born out of desperation"....when you have no budget, you have to look around you and say what can I use?
A design teacher I once had took us to the ground level of saying, "Imagine being a settler, coming to west, with nothing but what's in the wagon, and figuring out how to build shelter"....all you have is what is around you, so what will you do?....a lean to...a cabin of trees...that is the beginning of talent...pushing the limits on what you have...and decade after decade that is what people do...push on to the next challenge, and imagine what can be done....within us all, if we are pushed to the limit and want a solution, we will find a way....the talent lies in trusting that our choices are acceptable, they work, and if we play with it enough we will find out we are capable of much more then we give ourselves credit for....just don't give up...the easy thing would have been to just grab a vase and stick the flowers in it...the creative thing was finding a rusty old watering can and gluing on seed pack pics and sticking flowers in it, adding some rocks around it and boom....serendipity, which happens when we aren't expecting it...joy in the simple things....look around you, enjoy the little details, cause God has put simple detail everywhere we look...find it.....

Besides...my sister makes beautiful quilts....I made beautiful quilts too, out of 3D objects like a table arrangement.....same principles, same creativity, just different materials....
Gotta run...a feel imagination calling....

Thanks for inviting me Wanda, I had a great time...and thanks for the creative opportunity...it was fun collaborating on it with you...
Have a nice week....
PS My hubby was pruning birch trees in the yard when I was leaving, and I said throw those branches in the car for me, I might use them...so we stuck them in, and surprisingly, they are still blooming a week later, and the leaves are growing!!! I think I might be able to start my own tree farm!!! Loving it.....serendipity....