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This little family album is easy and fun, just chipboard (the cardboard on the back of a pad of paper) that has scrap papers glued on and then hole punch the cards and add pictures, then put them on a book ring and add ribbons to cover it, and little journaling fun, and I got this idea from Donna Downey, love her stuff...

This is a diaper cake I made for my daughter in law's sister. The nursery was a jungle theme so I also did the cake with that theme. His name is Brayden as you can see from the wood painted letters on front. It has a big blanket on the bottom with diapers around it, the receiving blankets, oneies, little sleepers, and washcloths, and socks, and shoes, and all the jungle animals of course...later I made a name plaque with all the wood stuff on a canvas, these are fun to do to...roll up the stuff, rubberband the things together, skewer them together and lightly tape to a cake board...tie ribbon around and glue on the finishing touches.
This was done for a bridal shower of my friend's niece. It was dish towels, and placemats, and napkins, wooden spoons, pasta (cute boxes at Target) dishcloths, napkin rings, olive oil on the back side, and potholders (red ones below the LOVE sitting between the layers) Everything is sitting on a pretty platter...
It's fun to recycle, and Starbuck's little crate are a good altered item...clean the bottles, decorate the crate, and put cute new labels on bottle tops and glass if you want. This was for my daughter to have on her desk at work...with little candies to snack could decorate these for holiday occasions or birthdays and fill with goodies as party favors, then tie balloons to the handles...and use it as a centerpiece...I have two more waiting to be done, gotta figure out how to use them....I feel a creative moment coming one.....
This was a cute little flip album journal I did for a good friend's has pages for them to write on ideas for the nursery, names, family guess on baby stats, an ultrasound picture, mom and dad messages,etc. I love the bright colors and the ribbons...made with just chipboard covered with papers.
Another journal I made recently...they are so addicting...such fun though...I love the beach, especially on overcast days...I wish I could get a tan, but my skin just doesn't want to go sad. But I do love the waves, and smells, and the sand under my feet...This one is actually up for grabs...if you are interested, write and ask me cost...
I love making journals out of composition books...they are cheap to buy and so fun to design. I made this one to store all my ideas in...
I find joy in mixing and matching things, reusing old things I have and giving them new purpose...